Howard Fox
Somewhere over the Rainbow (Hotel Utopia Series) original
Somewhere over the Rainbow (Hotel Utopia Series) original
Original Oil on Canvas
240 X 170 cm; 95 X 67 in

It took me almost half a year to create my latest painting, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow",
A perfect city needs a river running through it. The river provides water for the population and can also serve as a source of clean and cheap energy. The river is art in motion; people watch the river flow and enjoy the meditative sounds of the water caressing the shore. The river is a source of movement and life.
A mix of architectural styles highlights the shoreline and easily blends into the geography, nature, both planned and wild, adds flavor to the city, providing residents with cool shade in the summer months in parks and the sense of tranquility of a creation untouched by human hands and continuing on its own.
The city has several museums, including the "Museum of Flying Things," where you can enter a cage full of birds, bats, and angels, and where Superman occasionally appears. The Stoic Caf? makes good espresso and offers a limited but tasty menu. If you're looking for a casual dance lesson, look no further than the Rumba Cha-Cha Bar to stay fit and release the passion and wildness in your soul.
If complaining is your thing, there is a club for those with something to get off their chests. It is called the "Jacobian" and can be found deep in the city center behind a group of spruce trees by the river's edge.
Enjoy the utopia, you can find it "Somewhere Over the Rainbow.