Howard Fox
Utopia on the River Eden (Hotel Utopia Series) original
Utopia on the River Eden (Hotel Utopia Series) original
Original Oil on Canvas
340 x 170 cm; 95 x 63 in

High culture mixes with our baser needs.
In a changing and unpredictable world, one must seek balance. In producing my idyllic city, entitled "Utopia on the River Eden" I sought to create an urban environment where many of our ideas of perfection come together without one impeding the other.
Concepts of the idyll coexist in harmony, while satisfying the urges that a cosmopolitan city implies, balanced with our human need for nature, and serenity. One can sit in a cafe and watch as the river gently flows through the center of town. Tree filled parks surround a casino, caressing both residential and commercial buildings.
The Red light area borders the Museum of Dreams. High culture mixes with our more base needs. Clean hydro power is created by waterfalls, railways carry people and produce, the city breathes and it lives, clean, attractive and interesting.
An added bonus, skiing all year round in yonder mountains.